Priecīgus svētkus!

Priecīgus svētkus!

Ziemassvētku brīnumu laiks ir klāt! Lai šie svētki atnes prieku, siltumu un kopā būšanu jūsu ģimenēm un draugiem. Vidusskola “Premjers” no sirds novēl gaišus Ziemassvētkus un veiksmīgu, iedvesmas pilnu Jauno gadu! Mēs lepojamies ar Jūsu sasniegumiem un ar prieku gaidām jaunus piedzīvojumus jaunajā 2025. gadā. Lai ceļš uz zināšanām un panākumiem ir spožs un aizraujošs!…

Quest “Science Without Borders” Has Concluded!

Quest “Science Without Borders” Has Concluded!

On December 4, 2024, at ISMA Premier, an exciting quest titled “Science Without Borders” took place, where participants dove into the world of knowledge and overcame scientific challenges. The quest was attended by students from grades 5 to 12. Each team navigated through 8 thematic stations, covering various scientific fields: mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, IT…



Join us at the student art exhibition “My Latvia”, celebrating Latvia’s natural beauty, heritage, and modern spirit. Discover our students’ creative visions and explore Latvia through their artworks!

“Happy Woof for Sirko”

“Happy Woof for Sirko”

5.starptautiskās labestības stundas ietvaros mūsu skolas skolēni piedalījās labdarības akcijā “Happy Woof for Sirko”, kuru iniciēja organizācija “Laimīgā ķepa”, Kijevā, Ukrainā.Visi ziedojumi tika nodoti Ulbrokas dzīvnieku patversmei. Mēs izsakām pateicību visiem vecākiem, skolēniem un skolotājiem par atbalstu, atsaucību un līdzjūtību. Īpašu paldies vēlamies izteikt Pahomovu ģimenei par palīdzību ar mantu nogādāšanu patversmē. *Patversmē uzturas 540…

International Humaneness Lesson

International Humaneness Lesson

Participation in the International Humaneness Lesson, initiated by the charity foundation “Happy Paw”, Kyiv, Ukraine, has become a good annual tradition for the students and teachers of our school. During these lessons, the pupils discuss important topics about humane and responsible attitudes towards pets and pay special attention to the problem of stray cats and…

Excursion to the Robotics Lab at TSI: Project “Robotics and IT Technologies”

Excursion to the Robotics Lab at TSI: Project “Robotics and IT Technologies”

On September 5th, students from grades 7-12 visited the robotics laboratory at Transporta un Sakaru Institūts (TSI). They had the opportunity to learn about modern achievements in robotics and IT technologies, as well as participate in exciting hands-on activities. After the excursion, students continued working on their projects focused on robotics and IT technologies. New…

Excursion to Museums: 3rd-5th Grade Students at the Bread Museum and Doll Museum

Excursion to Museums: 3rd-5th Grade Students at the Bread Museum and Doll Museum

Students from grades 3-5 had an exciting excursion, visiting two unique museums. At the Aglona Bread Museum, they learned about the traditions of bread baking and the history of this important product. In Preiļi, they immersed themselves in the magical world of dolls, discovering the art of creating and collecting them.

Excursion day: 9th grade students at the Latvian National Museum of Art

Excursion day: 9th grade students at the Latvian National Museum of Art

On September 12, 2024, 9th-grade students from our school visited the Latvian National Museum of Art. This was not just an introduction to art but also an important step in their educational process. We know that art and culture play a key role in shaping worldviews and fostering creativity. We are confident that such trips…